A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Moissanite

Let us guess: As much as you love the glitz and glam of Diamonds, you have lately found them to be too pricey for your liking. That has left you with no choice but to look beyond them, hasn’t it? Well, we couldn’t think of a more perfect moment to break the good news to you- there is a gemstone out there that mirrors Diamond in appearance, brilliance, and what not without asking you to break the bank. Yes, Moissanite is the name!

But has that left you wondering how to even start your hunt for the perfect Moissanite gemstone? Or finding the whole process too overwhelming to do it all by yourself? No worries! To the rescue, experts at Sparkanite Jewels have come up with a comprehensive Moissanite Buying Guide that covers pretty much everything you need to know about making a more informed decision while getting your hands on this sparkling beauty. Hop on!

What is Moissanite and how is it different from other gemstones?

First things first, let us quickly introduce to this wonder gemstone that has left everybody captivated:

Moissanite is a precious gemstone that is more often than not, lab grown. It mirrors the appearance of Diamond with its one of a kind brilliance and colorless beauty, but stands out for its pocket-friendly price (thanks to which it enjoys the reputation of being a cost-effective alternative to Diamond). If you’re seeking for the chemical definition, Moissanite is a mineral formed from silicon carbide.

Now that you’re no stranger to this gemstone, we understand if the first thing that is bugging your mind is- “Is Moissanite worth buying?” Well, long story short- IT ABSOLUTELY IS! Now for the long story, check out the many benefits that it brings to the table below:

Benefits of purchasing Moissanite gemstone

  • Brilliance

    Brilliance, in simplest terms, refers to the stone’s ability to reflect white light.

    Not only is Moissanite brilliant, but it has surpassed Diamond to be rewarded as the WORLD’S MOST BRILLIANT GEMSTONE. It possesses an impressive refractive index of 2.65 to 2.69. What’s more, its sparkle is no ordinary sight to come across. Owing to its unique faceting pattern, Moissanite showcases a colorful (rainbow-like) sparkle.

  • Durability

    Durability of a gemstone tells you how well it can put up with the wear and tear of regular use.

    Another factor that makes Moissanite such a prized possession in every jewelry box is its impressive durability. It has been rewarded with an above par hardness rating of 9.25 out of 10 on the Mohs Scale, only surpassed by Diamond. So you can flaunt it everyday, without worrying about the potential risks of breakage, chipping, and whatnot!

  • Price

    In case you have been wondering- Why should I choose Moissanite over Diamond?, here is your answer- the Price Difference.

    Moissanite brings as much bling as a Diamond does without exhausting your pockets. In fact, it might surprise you to know that Moissanite is about a fraction of a cost of Diamond. Lower quality Diamond that is smaller in size costs way more than higher quality bigger sized Moissanite. So if you’re on a strict budget, Moissanite is the perfect way forward.

  • Environment-friendly

    Last but not the least, one of the biggest advantage of Moissanite over Diamonds is hands down its sustainability.

    More often than not, you’ll come across Lab Grown variants of Moissanite which eliminates the need for mining. And no mining means Zero resource exploitation or use of heavy machinery. Thus, splurging on Moissanite is any day an environment conscious choice.

Moissanite Vs Diamond: A Comparison

Wondering if the Moissanite practically mirrors the appearance of a Diamond, what makes the two different? If we answer it in a nutshell, it would be: some aspects that are worth taking into account like price, durability, brilliance, and (if you look closely) the color.

But to walk you through the difference, experts at Sparkanite have closely examined the two gemstones and have assembled their findings into a Blog:

Give it a read to tell the difference like a pro!

Factors to consider when purchasing Moissanite gemstone

If you’re selectively new to buying Moissanite, let us tell you- knowing and analyzing the 4 Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat) in and out is the key to buying the Moissanite of your dreams. They determine the overall quality and beauty of your sparkler to such an extent that they are judged against a Grading Scale.

So if you’re wondering “how do you pick a good Moissanite?”, we have prepared the complete cheat sheet for you:

  • Cut

    The most important of all the Cs, the Cut decides the proportions, positioning, symmetry as well as the polish of the Moissanite. So, that would tell you that it is much more than merely the physical outline (or shape) of the Moissanite (that people often confuse it to be).

    In fact, it speaks of the the beauty and quality of your gemstone to such an extent that your Moissanite could showcase an excellent color and phenomenal clarity but if it isn’t well cut, it could still appear dull. That’s because while cutting, attempts are directed towards strategically arranging the facets in a way that their interaction with light brings out the best in the clarity and brilliance of the Moissanite.

    We’d never recommend you to compromise on the cut and to help you decide better, we have introduced you to the universally accepted Grading Scale that you can judge the cut of your Moissanite against. Remember: The higher the grade, the more brilliant the Moissanite.

    Grading Scale



    Excellent (Ideal)

    The light interaction of the facets is at its best, which directly optimizes the gemstone’s brilliance and beauty.
    Very Good The light interaction is very good, with only slight deviation from the ideal.
    Good The light interaction is good, but not as optimal as Very Good.
    Fair The light interaction is noticeable, making the stone appear somewhat dull.
    Poor The light interaction is not as good, which causes the stone to appear dull and lifeless.

    Which Moissanite Cut is the best?

    Well if you ask us, each cut/shape brings something extraordinary to the table. Thus, it is best to let your personal preference and style decide the best Moissanite Cut for you. Ask yourself: what do you consider most important in your Moissanite? The optimization of sparkle (which a Round Cut lends)? The illusion of a bigger size (which is the case with an Oval Cut)? Or uniqueness (nothing compares to a Marquise/Pear Cut when that’s the case)? To help you make the right call, experts at Sparkanite have put together a Blog: Most Popular Moissanite Cut/Shape that talks about each shape in an elaborate manner.

  • Color

    The Color of Moissanite simply refers to the body hue that it showcases. But here’s the twist: Unlike colored gemstones, if the Moissanite possesses any color or to better put it, yellow/brown tints of color, that goes on to degrade its value. In a nutshell, the best quality and most desirable Moissanite are supposed to be absolutely devoid of any color.

    Depending on how colorless the Moissanite is, it is rewarded with different color grades. Take a look:

    Grading Scale

    Grade Remarks
    D Absolutely colorless or icy white, rarest, and most pricey Moissanite belong to this category
    E Virtually colorless, showcases minuscule traces of color when viewed under 10X Magnification.
    F Virtually colorless, can display slight traces of color when subjected to 10X magnification
    G Near-Colorless with some detectable traces of color present.
    H Near-Colorless with slight color (detectable by the naked eye) present.
    I Near-colorless with visible color (detectable by the naked eye) present
    J-K Showcases more noticeable hues of yellow/brown color.
  • Clarity

    The Clarity of Moissanite speaks of the absence of any inclusions, imperfections, and blemishes (that in turn, can deteriorate its quality and cause it to appear dull). The most common kind of inclusions you might notice in a Moissanite are needles, mineral crystals, clouds, feathers, knots, chips, and cavities.

    It is next to impossible to come across a gemstone that is absolutely devoid of any inclusions, but since Moissanite is (more often than not) lab-created, it exhibits better clarity. To get your hands on a visually appealing Moissanite, make sure that you’re investing in the one that at least is inclusion-free to look at from the naked eye.

    Making it a cakewalk for you to judge its clarity at best, experts examine your Moissanite under 10X magnification and reward it with different clarity grades. Take a look:

    Grading Scale

    Grade Remarks
    FL (Flawless) No inclusions and blemishes visible when viewed under 10X magnification, extremely rare to find
    IF (Internally Flawless) No noticeable inclusions when viewed under 10X magnification (tiny, almost negligible surface blemishes can be present)
    VVS1, VVS2 Eye-Clean, very very slight small-sized inclusions that are difficult to detect even under 10X magnification can be found.
    VS1, VS2 Eye-clean, very slight inclusions are detected under 10X magnification
    SI1, SI2 Eye-clean, slight inclusions are detectable under 10X magnification.
    I1, I2, I3 Easily detectable inclusions (that are also visible to the naked eye) are found under 10X magnification.
  • Carat

    In simplest terms, Carat is widely accepted as the standard unit used to measure the Moissanite’s weight. In metric terms, 1 Carat is equal to 200 milligrams or 0.2 grams.

    Naturally, a higher carat Moissanite is considered more desirable and hence, fetches a more expensive price tag than its counterparts.

What is the best grade of Moissanite?

The key to placing your bet on a Moissanite that stands out for its unparalleled beauty and quality rests in making the best of all the 3 Cs (cut, color, clarity). That’s because each of them interestingly impacts the quality of the rest to a considerable extent.

If you ask us, you can never go wrong with a Moissanite that fetches a color grade of D to F, clarity grade of FL to VS1, and Cut Grade that is anywhere between excellent to very good.

Pro tip: If you’re running slightly tight on the budget, shopping smart is the trick to go home with a Moissanite that not only fits the bill but also keeps up with the quality. You always have some room to go a little down on the color/clarity grade scale as long as it’s not making a visually noticeable impact on your Moissanite. For instance, you can consider going for a VS1 Clarity Grade instead of a FL one to save some precious bucks without it messing with the beauty of your Moissanite (since a VS1 grade Moissanite doesn’t showcase any eye-visible inclusions as well).

Where to Buy Moissanite Gemstone?

Sparkanite Jewels has emerged as the one stop destination that amalgamates expertise, skill, and creative flair to bring forward a catalog of Moissanite Jewelry that never lets you settle for anything less than you deserve. Here are some of the many factors that set us apart:

  • Premium Quality: We want you to treasure your Moissanite sparklers for nothing less than a lifetime. Staying true to that, each Moissanite gemstone in our collection has been certified with a quality grade of D-VS1 (i.e., Colorless, Eye-Clean) by a prestigious gemological laboratory so it appears unparalleled when it comes to beauty and brilliance.

  • Experience: We make best use of our manufacturing experience of 20+ years to invest our artistic flair in each piece that we handcraft.

  • Wide range of options: In an attempt to celebrate all kinds of senses of style, occasions, and bonds, we have come up with a catalog of Moissanite Jewelry that has something in store for everyone!

Parting Note

As more and more people are turning to Moissanite for the kind of bling that fits the bill, they find themselves overwhelmed by the pool of confusion and concerns that come along with shopping for them the right manner. In an attempt to end the dilemma once and for all, we have come up with a one-stop Moissanite Buying Guide that will walk you through the entire process to help you shop like an expert.

From What makes Moissanite worth every penny to what factors that determine its quality, we have answered it all and more in this blog. We're sure you had a lot to takeaway from here. We'll be back with more of such informative guides. Until then, we bid a warm adieu!

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